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A hazard mitigation plan forms the foundation of a community’s long-term strategy to reduce the impacts of disasters and break the cycle of damage and reconstruction. Through the process of creating this plan, the city will identify hazards, assess risks and develop mitigation strategies.

This survey is designed to help us gauge your level of knowledge and hear concerns that you have about natural hazards, like droughts, earthquakes and severe weather. The information you provide will help us identify actions and strategies to reduce the risk from natural hazards in the future.

This survey is anticipated to take 10-15 minutes to complete.

0% answered


What is your main relationship with Bellevue? Check all that apply.

* required

In what part(s) of Bellevue do you live, work, go to school or own a business? Please check all that apply. If you are unsure, visit this map to see the neighborhood areas.


Do you rent or own your current residence?


What type of home do you live in?


Have you ever had problems getting homeowners or renters insurance due to risks from natural hazards?


When you moved into your home, did you consider the impact a natural hazard could have on your home?


Was the presence of a natural hazard risk zone (e.g., flood zone, landslide hazard area, earthquake risk zone) disclosed to you by a real estate agent, seller, or landlord before you purchased or moved into your home?


Have you purchased homeowners or renters hazard insurance? Check all that apply.