Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan Update
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What's New
Thank you for taking our Phase I Community Survey. Stay tuned for our Phase II survey on draft actions this spring!
Thank you for those of you who attended our Sustainable Bellevue Townhall and Plan Launch event on January 15. You can find slides from the event here.
About the Plan Update
The Environmental Stewardship team is excited to launch our five-year update of the Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan.Guided by our new greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 95% by 2050 in the Comprehensive Plan, the city will focus on updating the Plan’s strategies and actions to meet our 2030 goals and beyond.
Please continue to visit Engaging Bellevue throughout 2025 for updates and opportunities to engage on the Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan Update. To ensure you don't miss an update, please subscribe to our Newsletter.
About the Current Plan
On Dec. 14, 2020, the City Council adopted the Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan. This plan is a strategic roadmap built on our past environmental stewardship successes and the expertise and input of more than 1,000 residents, city staff, community leaders and stakeholders. It contains 78 strategies to help Bellevue achieve our 2030 and 2050 sustainability goals, and ensure we remain a thriving, healthy, and prosperous “City in a Park” for decades to come. The plan is set to be regularly updated every five years.
The plan has five focus areas:
Sustainable Bellevue's 2050 goals include:
Reducing communitywide greenhouse gas emissions by 95%
The City of Bellevue's Environmental Performance Dashboard shares information about the city's progress towards the sustainability goals outlined in the Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan. Visit the dashboard to explore our progress-to-date in detail.
What's New
Thank you for taking our Phase I Community Survey. Stay tuned for our Phase II survey on draft actions this spring!
Thank you for those of you who attended our Sustainable Bellevue Townhall and Plan Launch event on January 15. You can find slides from the event here.
About the Plan Update
The Environmental Stewardship team is excited to launch our five-year update of the Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan.Guided by our new greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 95% by 2050 in the Comprehensive Plan, the city will focus on updating the Plan’s strategies and actions to meet our 2030 goals and beyond.
Please continue to visit Engaging Bellevue throughout 2025 for updates and opportunities to engage on the Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan Update. To ensure you don't miss an update, please subscribe to our Newsletter.
About the Current Plan
On Dec. 14, 2020, the City Council adopted the Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan. This plan is a strategic roadmap built on our past environmental stewardship successes and the expertise and input of more than 1,000 residents, city staff, community leaders and stakeholders. It contains 78 strategies to help Bellevue achieve our 2030 and 2050 sustainability goals, and ensure we remain a thriving, healthy, and prosperous “City in a Park” for decades to come. The plan is set to be regularly updated every five years.
The plan has five focus areas:
Sustainable Bellevue's 2050 goals include:
Reducing communitywide greenhouse gas emissions by 95%
The City of Bellevue's Environmental Performance Dashboard shares information about the city's progress towards the sustainability goals outlined in the Sustainable Bellevue Environmental Stewardship Plan. Visit the dashboard to explore our progress-to-date in detail.
Evidence of climate change is all around us in 2024. In Bellevue, we’ve seen worsening heatwaves and smokier skies, hotter streams, and swings between flooding and drought. Planning for climate change with efficient buildings, resilient infrastructure, accessible transportation systems, and healthy tree canopy is more important now than ever.
As we look to 2025, the Environmental Stewardship team is excited to launch the 2026-2030 Sustainable Bellevue ESI Plan Update. Guided by our new greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 95% by 2050 in the Comprehensive Plan, the City will focus on updating the Plan’s strategies and actions to meet our 2030 goals and beyond.
Building a livable future takes everyone. The voices of our community are critical to shaping the sustainable Bellevue we will become in 2030 and future decades. Whether you’re passionate about environmental issues or just starting to consider them, your perspective matters to us. This survey is just one opportunity throughout the plan update process to shape the future of our city’s environmental priorities and actions.
This survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Your responses are completely anonymous. We do not collect any personally identifiable information, and your individual responses will not be shared or published.
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La evidencia del cambio climático está presente en todas partes en 2024. En Bellevue, hemos visto olas de calor más intensas, cielos con más humo, arroyos más calientes y fluctuaciones entre inundaciones y sequías. Desarrollar una planificación para el cambio climático con edificios eficientes, infraestructura resiliente, sistemas de transporte accesibles y una cubierta arbórea saludable es más importante que nunca.
Mientras nos preparamos para el 2025, al equipo de Administración Ambiental le complace lanzar la actualización del Plan de Administración Ambiental Sostenible (Environmental Stewardship Initiative, ESI) de Bellevue Sostenible para el periodo 2026-2030. Guiada por nuestra nueva meta de reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en un 95 % para 2050 en el marco del Plan Integral, la ciudad se enfocará en actualizar las estrategias y acciones del plan para cumplir con nuestros objetivos para 2030 y el futuro.
Construir un futuro habitable requiere la participación de todos. Las voces de nuestra comunidad son fundamentales para dar forma a un Bellevue más sostenible para el 2030 y las décadas siguientes. Tanto si le apasionan las cuestiones medioambientales como si acaba de empezar a reflexionar sobre ellas, su punto de vista nos importa. Esta encuesta es solo una oportunidad en el proceso de actualización del plan para dar forma a las prioridades y acciones ambientales de nuestra ciudad.
Completar esta encuesta le tomará menos de 10 minutos. Sus respuestas son completamente anónimas. No recopilamos ninguna información de identificación personal y sus respuestas individuales no se compartirán ni se publicarán.
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2024년 현재, 기후 변화의 증거는 우리 주변 어디에나 있습니다. Bellevue에서는 심각해지는 폭염과 매연으로 가득 찬 하늘, 하천의 수온 상승, 홍수와 가뭄 사이의 극심한 변화를 목격하고 있습니다. 따라서 기후 변화 대비를 위해 에너지 효율적인 건물, 튼튼한 기반 시설, 접근성이 뛰어난 교통 시스템, 건강한 수목 캐노피를 계획하는 일들이 그 어느 때보다 중요해졌습니다.
환경 관리팀은 2025년을 앞두고 2026-2030 Sustainable Bellevue 환경 관리 정책(Environmental Stewardship Initiative, ESI) 계획 갱신 절차를 시작하게 되어 기쁩니다. Bellevue 시는 종합계획에 명시된 2050년까지 온실가스 배출량 95% 감축이라는 새로운 목표에 따라, 2030년 목표와 그 이후 목표를 달성하기 위한 계획의 전략과 행동 방안을 업데이트하는 데 집중할 예정입니다.
살기 좋은 미래를 건설하기 위해서는 모두가 힘을 모아야 합니다. 2030년과 향후 수십 년간 지속 가능한 Bellevue를 만들어 나가는 데에는 지역 커뮤니티의 목소리가 매우 중요합니다. 환경 문제에 열정적이든, 이제 막 관심을 갖기 시작했든, 여러분의 관점은 우리에게 매우 중요합니다. 본 설문조사는 ESI 계획 업데이트 과정의 하나로 우리 도시의 환경 우선순위 및 행동방안을 만들기 위한 것입니다.
설문조사에 소요되는 시간은 10분 미만입니다. 귀하의 응답은 익명성이 철저히 보장됩니다. 귀하의 개인 식별 정보를 수집하지 않으며, 개별 응답은 공유되거나 공개되지 않습니다.
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В 2024 году свидетельства изменения климата можно найти повсюду. В Bellevue мы наблюдаем периоды аномальной жары, более сильное задымление неба, повышение температуры воды в ручьях и наводнения, на смену которым приходит засуха. Сейчас как никогда важно планировать меры, связанные с изменением климата, которые включают энергоэффективные здания, устойчивую инфраструктуру, доступные транспортные системы и древесный полог, благоприятно влияющий на здоровье людей.
По мере приближения 2025 года команда по охране окружающей среды с нетерпением ждет запуска обновления Плана устойчивого развития Bellevue в рамках Инициативы по защите окружающей среды (Environmental Stewardship Initiative, ESI) на 2026–2030 годы. Следуя новой цели Комплексного плана (Comprehensive Plan) по сокращению выбросов парниковых газов на 95 % к 2050 году, городские власти сосредоточатся на обновлении стратегий и мер, предусмотренных в Плане, для достижения целей на 2030 год и в дальнейшем.
Чтобы создать благоприятное для жизни будущее, важны усилия каждого. Участие нашего сообщества имеет решающее значение для достижения экологической устойчивости в Bellevue к 2030 году и в последующие десятилетия. Независимо от того, увлечены ли вы вопросами защиты окружающей среды или только начинаете задумываться об этом, — нам важна ваша точка зрения. Этот опрос — лишь одна из возможностей в процессе обновления плана, которая поможет сформировать будущие приоритеты и меры по защите окружающей среды в нашем городе.
Прохождение этого опроса займет менее 10 минут. Ваши ответы совершенно анонимны. Мы не собираем никакой личной идентификационной информации, а также не передаем и не публикуем ваши индивидуальные ответы.
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For alternate formats, interpreters, or reasonable accommodation requests please phone at least 48 hours in advance 425-452-6930 (voice) or
For complaints regarding accommodations, contact City of Bellevue ADA/Title VI Administrator at 425-452-6168 (voice) or email link)(External link). If you are deaf or hard of hearing dial 711.
The City of Bellevue assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and related statutes, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any City of Bellevue program or activity. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated may file a complaint with the ADA/Title VI Administrator. For Title VI complaint forms and advice, please contact the ADA/Title VI Administrator at 425-452-6168.