Wilburton Vision Implementation

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Save the Date: Wilburton Vision Land Use Code Information Session

Change is coming to the west edge of Wilburton! The city is proactively planning for growth and change over the next twenty years. The west edge of Wilburton, known as the Wilburton Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), will play an important role in supporting future housing, jobs, and amenities for Bellevue’s diverse communities.

City Council recently voted unanimously to advance the Wilburton Vision Implementation comprehensive plan amendment. The next step will be the creation of the Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA), which will set out the requirements for future development in this area.

Community members are invited to attend an online information session on the proposed Land Use Code Amendments (LUCA) for the Wilburton Vision Implementation. City staff will present details on the proposed LUCA, followed by time for questions and answers.

Thursday, July 18 | 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, virtual event. Hear a presentation from city staff with time for questions.

Register here: https://Wilburton-LUCA-Info-Session.eventbrite.com

The proposed Land Use Code Amendments (LUCA) for the Wilburton Vision Implementation are now available for review and can be accessed using the links below. Two drafts were produced to show different options available for decisionmakers on certain policy issues as noted below:

  • Option A (See here for draft)
    • Mandatory affordable housing requirements for new development
    • No minimum parking requirements
    • No Medical Office-Highrise land use district in Wilburton
  • Option B (See here for draft)
    • Incentive-based affordable housing approach
    • Minimum parking requirements apply
    • Includes Medical Office-Highrise land use district

NOTE: Neither option represents City staff’s final recommendations. Staff will be engaging with stakeholders and the public throughout the summer to gather feedback on both options, which will inform future staff recommendations when the LUCA is presented to the Planning Commission and City Council later in 2024. Additionally, provisions in either option can be used in the other, meaning the final recommendation could be a mix of Options A and B.

You may reach out to Caleb Miller, Senior Planner, with questions, comments, and other feedback on the draft LUCA at cwmiller@bellevuewa.gov or (425)452-4574.

Additional Materials and Resources

Since project launch, we heard from community members through different outreach activities, including an online questionnaire, information sessions, youth engagement, small business visits, walking tours, tabling events, and presentations to community groups and organizations.

Community input has helped enhance the Wilburton TOD vision, shape different growth alternatives to evaluate, and identify early draft policies and policy moves to support vision implementation.

In the fall of 2022, the planning team developed different alternatives for adding housing and job capacity to the area. These alternatives have been analyzed as part of the city’s environmental review process and the results published in a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was published on February 1, 2024.

In the summer of 2023, the planning team shared draft policies with boards and commissions to get their feedback. The team also held an in-person Open House and online questionnaire for community to share their opinion on major policy moves that will shape future changes in the area. In 2024, the planning team shared draft policies with the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) on May 1, 2024 and recommended approval of the proposed CPA. The planning team transmitted the Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council for discussion on June 25, 2024.


The Wilburton TOD area will become “Bellevue’s next urban mixed-use community that enhances livability, promotes healthy living, supports economic vitality, and serves the needs of a diverse and growing population. As Bellevue’s cultural and innovative hub, it serves as a regional and international destination that connects people and fosters community by leveraging its existing assets to define a distinctive sense of place and character”.

- 2018 Citizen Advisory Committee Letter to the Mayor

For an overview of the Wilburton Vision Implementation project and vision elements, please read our project brochure.

Save the Date: Wilburton Vision Land Use Code Information Session

Change is coming to the west edge of Wilburton! The city is proactively planning for growth and change over the next twenty years. The west edge of Wilburton, known as the Wilburton Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), will play an important role in supporting future housing, jobs, and amenities for Bellevue’s diverse communities.

City Council recently voted unanimously to advance the Wilburton Vision Implementation comprehensive plan amendment. The next step will be the creation of the Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA), which will set out the requirements for future development in this area.

Community members are invited to attend an online information session on the proposed Land Use Code Amendments (LUCA) for the Wilburton Vision Implementation. City staff will present details on the proposed LUCA, followed by time for questions and answers.

Thursday, July 18 | 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, virtual event. Hear a presentation from city staff with time for questions.

Register here: https://Wilburton-LUCA-Info-Session.eventbrite.com

The proposed Land Use Code Amendments (LUCA) for the Wilburton Vision Implementation are now available for review and can be accessed using the links below. Two drafts were produced to show different options available for decisionmakers on certain policy issues as noted below:

  • Option A (See here for draft)
    • Mandatory affordable housing requirements for new development
    • No minimum parking requirements
    • No Medical Office-Highrise land use district in Wilburton
  • Option B (See here for draft)
    • Incentive-based affordable housing approach
    • Minimum parking requirements apply
    • Includes Medical Office-Highrise land use district

NOTE: Neither option represents City staff’s final recommendations. Staff will be engaging with stakeholders and the public throughout the summer to gather feedback on both options, which will inform future staff recommendations when the LUCA is presented to the Planning Commission and City Council later in 2024. Additionally, provisions in either option can be used in the other, meaning the final recommendation could be a mix of Options A and B.

You may reach out to Caleb Miller, Senior Planner, with questions, comments, and other feedback on the draft LUCA at cwmiller@bellevuewa.gov or (425)452-4574.

Additional Materials and Resources

Since project launch, we heard from community members through different outreach activities, including an online questionnaire, information sessions, youth engagement, small business visits, walking tours, tabling events, and presentations to community groups and organizations.

Community input has helped enhance the Wilburton TOD vision, shape different growth alternatives to evaluate, and identify early draft policies and policy moves to support vision implementation.

In the fall of 2022, the planning team developed different alternatives for adding housing and job capacity to the area. These alternatives have been analyzed as part of the city’s environmental review process and the results published in a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was published on February 1, 2024.

In the summer of 2023, the planning team shared draft policies with boards and commissions to get their feedback. The team also held an in-person Open House and online questionnaire for community to share their opinion on major policy moves that will shape future changes in the area. In 2024, the planning team shared draft policies with the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) on May 1, 2024 and recommended approval of the proposed CPA. The planning team transmitted the Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council for discussion on June 25, 2024.


The Wilburton TOD area will become “Bellevue’s next urban mixed-use community that enhances livability, promotes healthy living, supports economic vitality, and serves the needs of a diverse and growing population. As Bellevue’s cultural and innovative hub, it serves as a regional and international destination that connects people and fosters community by leveraging its existing assets to define a distinctive sense of place and character”.

- 2018 Citizen Advisory Committee Letter to the Mayor

For an overview of the Wilburton Vision Implementation project and vision elements, please read our project brochure.

  • CLOSED: This questionnaire has concluded. We will be sharing results in an engagement report in the coming weeks. Thank you!

    Thank you to everyone who participated in this questionnaire. We will be sharing results in an engagement report in the coming weeks.

    Policies reflect the community’s vision as future changes occur, and can guide decision-making around new programs, facilities, and regulations. Policies are being developed for the Wilburton Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) area to guide the transformation of this area into Bellevue's next trail- and transit-oriented mixed-use community. 

    We shared draft policies with boards and commissions over the summer to get their feedback on whether the key moves within these policies provided the right kind of direction to achieve the Wilburton TOD vision. 

    We now want to hear from you as to how you think these policy moves will shape Wilburton's future, and whether we’ve captured your priorities for change in this area. Your feedback will help us refine policies that will ultimately be recommended to City Council for adoption as part of this planning process.

    This questionnaire will be available until September 15.

    Share your input!
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  • CLOSED: This questionnaire concluded on December 15, 2022.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in this questionnaire. We will be sharing results soon.

    The Wilburton study area is envisioned to be “Bellevue’s next urban mixed-use community that enhances livability, promotes healthy living, supports economic vitality, and serves the needs of a diverse and growing population.” In 2018, a council-appointed citizen advisory committee (CAC) developed transportation, land use, and urban design recommendations for City Council consideration to guide the implementation of this vision. The City is building off this 2018 effort, and will consider and adopt changes and updates to policies and codes to facilitate redevelopment in the Wilburton study area.

    We appreciate your time answering questions for each of these topics to help the City better understand how to best implement this vision. Your input will help inform future land use alternatives and policy development for the Wilburton study area. This questionnaire should take you 10-15 minutes to complete.

    After completing the questionnaire, there will be a separate Interactive Map for you to identify opportunities and challenges for implementing the Wilburton study area vision.

    Take Questionnaire
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Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024, 02:25 PM