Great Neighborhoods - Newport

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Photo of children playing on slide at Woodlawn Park

Welcome to Bellevue's Great Neighborhoods Program

Bellevue is known for its diverse, vibrant, and welcoming neighborhoods. The high quality of life that residents enjoy is no accident - it’s the result of thoughtful and collaborative planning with the people who live, work, and play here.

The Great Neighborhoods program is the process for developing neighborhood area plans that reflect the community’s values and vision for the future. Neighborhood area plans inform future growth and change by providing guidance to city staff and developers about the kinds of improvements people want to see.

Neighborhood area plans are part of the city’s overall Comprehensive Plan, which outlines citywide policies on issues like housing, transportation, parks, environmental sustainability, and more. Neighborhood area plans are important tools for addressing the changing needs and conditions at the local level.

The neighborhood area planning process will develop policies and direction for:

  1. Neighborhood Identity: Define the unique aspects of each neighborhood and develop strategies to highlight them.

  1. Enhanced Community Gathering Spaces: Define and strengthen community hubs and “third places” that foster social interaction and connectivity.

  1. Urban Design Framework: Establish guidelines to support neighborhood design, focusing on opportunities to activate spaces and improve the look and feel of public spaces.

  1. Mobility Hubs: Make it safe and convenient for people to get around their neighborhood, connect to transit and use other modes of transportation.

  1. Public Realm Improvements: Identify needs and priorities for future improvements, such as streets and trails, through community engagement.

This is our online engagement hub. Here you can find opportunities to share stories, ideas, and feedback. You can also download documents, presentations, and other key information.

Right now we invite you to share your neighborhood story. Tell us about a special memory, place, or experience you've had in Newport. What makes this place unique? What makes this place home?

Welcome to Bellevue's Great Neighborhoods Program

Bellevue is known for its diverse, vibrant, and welcoming neighborhoods. The high quality of life that residents enjoy is no accident - it’s the result of thoughtful and collaborative planning with the people who live, work, and play here.

The Great Neighborhoods program is the process for developing neighborhood area plans that reflect the community’s values and vision for the future. Neighborhood area plans inform future growth and change by providing guidance to city staff and developers about the kinds of improvements people want to see.

Neighborhood area plans are part of the city’s overall Comprehensive Plan, which outlines citywide policies on issues like housing, transportation, parks, environmental sustainability, and more. Neighborhood area plans are important tools for addressing the changing needs and conditions at the local level.

The neighborhood area planning process will develop policies and direction for:

  1. Neighborhood Identity: Define the unique aspects of each neighborhood and develop strategies to highlight them.

  1. Enhanced Community Gathering Spaces: Define and strengthen community hubs and “third places” that foster social interaction and connectivity.

  1. Urban Design Framework: Establish guidelines to support neighborhood design, focusing on opportunities to activate spaces and improve the look and feel of public spaces.

  1. Mobility Hubs: Make it safe and convenient for people to get around their neighborhood, connect to transit and use other modes of transportation.

  1. Public Realm Improvements: Identify needs and priorities for future improvements, such as streets and trails, through community engagement.

This is our online engagement hub. Here you can find opportunities to share stories, ideas, and feedback. You can also download documents, presentations, and other key information.

Right now we invite you to share your neighborhood story. Tell us about a special memory, place, or experience you've had in Newport. What makes this place unique? What makes this place home?

Share Your Newport Story

What makes a neighborhood great? It's the people and places. Connecting with neighbors at a block party, gathering with friends at a local café, meeting up at the playground, walking along a trail. These are all things that make a neighborhood feel like home. 

We want to know what makes Newport special to you. Do you have a special memory, a favorite spot, an activity you especially like to do. Share your story in the space below; feel free to add a photo or video to show off the great places in your neighborhood.

Your story will help us understand the unique identity of the place you call home.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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Page last updated: 18 Sep 2024, 11:16 AM