Newport Hills

Newport Hills has been a great place to raise a family, and to retire. The neighbors are neighborly! We know we can count on each other. It has been a great place to walk, until recently, when Coal Creek Pkwy became too backed up, and people "discovered" that they can cut through to get to 405. This cut-through is almost a straight shot, with no speed bumps, and only 2 stop signs, so encourages speeding, especially by people who do not live in our neighborhood, and are just in a hurry to get to the freeway. To make matters worse, there are no sidewalks, bike lanes, or lighting along most of the stretch, so it is very dangerous for us walkers and bikers.

I echo comments made concerning the Newport Hills Shopping Center: It used to be really nice. It has fallen into a state of disrepair and is in need of a THOUGHTFUL redevelopment, that will enhance our neighborhood, not ruin it. We cannot support higher density housing, as the three roads off our hill are already clogged during the rush hours, and two of the roads feed into Coal Creek, which is also backed up. A redevelopment like Lake Hills, with a library or community center would be an outstanding use of the center!

One unique thing about our neighborhood is the link to the pipeline trail, which allows us to avoid the busy Newcastle Way (69th) and 60th St., and takes us all the way to the Newcastle shopping district, the library, and Lake Boren Park. Another great asset is the Newport Hills Community Club, which sponsors great events, like the Ice Cream Social, the Garden Walk, Concert in the Park, etc.

We now have two empty schools on our hill, and they, too are falling into a state of disrepair. Either of them would make a great community center, where intergenerational programs could be held, along with providing community gathering spaces, which are badly needed. Older Adult programs in particular are lacking here, but a nice day care center, a community garden, art center, and other recreational programs could be housed in either school, and would be supported by our community, and support our community in return!

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Newport Hills Heidi 3 months ago
100% agree re: community center and the need for great programming, a senior center, etc. I brought that idea to Mayor Robinson in late 2022 and she loved it. In fact, she looped Parks Director Michael Shiosaki into the email exchange, but he has been unwilling to speak to me about it. If others are interested in a multi-use community center at Ringdall then I think CoB should move on it and put together a Newport work group to advise on programs, etc. I also agree re: improving the pipeline trail and creating a connector between the Newport subarea and Newcastle. In October I appeared at the Newcastle Planning Commission and suggested this very thing. I'd like to see Bellevue & Newcastle collaborate on a lake (Newcastle Beach Park) to lake (Lake Boren Park) connector following the "string of pearls" concept (stops along the way). "Pearls"/stops= trails, parks, commercial districts, and *fingers crossed* maybe a new community center at Ringdall! In Newcastle there are benches located at different places along the pipeline trail- would love to see that in the Newport Hills trail stretch, along with garbage cans and poop bag stations. It would be great to encourage people to get out and "hit the trail" for some exercise and to promote businesses and events in the two commercial districts. There's a lot of potential for Newcastle & Newport Hills to cross-promote and fill opportunity gaps for each other. 
Share 100% agree re: community center and the need for great programming, a senior center, etc. I brought that idea to Mayor Robinson in late 2022 and she loved it. In fact, she looped Parks Director Michael Shiosaki into the email exchange, but he has been unwilling to speak to me about it. If others are interested in a multi-use community center at Ringdall then I think CoB should move on it and put together a Newport work group to advise on programs, etc. I also agree re: improving the pipeline trail and creating a connector between the Newport subarea and Newcastle. In October I appeared at the Newcastle Planning Commission and suggested this very thing. I'd like to see Bellevue & Newcastle collaborate on a lake (Newcastle Beach Park) to lake (Lake Boren Park) connector following the "string of pearls" concept (stops along the way). "Pearls"/stops= trails, parks, commercial districts, and *fingers crossed* maybe a new community center at Ringdall! In Newcastle there are benches located at different places along the pipeline trail- would love to see that in the Newport Hills trail stretch, along with garbage cans and poop bag stations. It would be great to encourage people to get out and "hit the trail" for some exercise and to promote businesses and events in the two commercial districts. There's a lot of potential for Newcastle & Newport Hills to cross-promote and fill opportunity gaps for each other.  on Facebook Share 100% agree re: community center and the need for great programming, a senior center, etc. I brought that idea to Mayor Robinson in late 2022 and she loved it. In fact, she looped Parks Director Michael Shiosaki into the email exchange, but he has been unwilling to speak to me about it. If others are interested in a multi-use community center at Ringdall then I think CoB should move on it and put together a Newport work group to advise on programs, etc. I also agree re: improving the pipeline trail and creating a connector between the Newport subarea and Newcastle. In October I appeared at the Newcastle Planning Commission and suggested this very thing. I'd like to see Bellevue & Newcastle collaborate on a lake (Newcastle Beach Park) to lake (Lake Boren Park) connector following the "string of pearls" concept (stops along the way). "Pearls"/stops= trails, parks, commercial districts, and *fingers crossed* maybe a new community center at Ringdall! In Newcastle there are benches located at different places along the pipeline trail- would love to see that in the Newport Hills trail stretch, along with garbage cans and poop bag stations. It would be great to encourage people to get out and "hit the trail" for some exercise and to promote businesses and events in the two commercial districts. There's a lot of potential for Newcastle & Newport Hills to cross-promote and fill opportunity gaps for each other.  on Twitter Share 100% agree re: community center and the need for great programming, a senior center, etc. I brought that idea to Mayor Robinson in late 2022 and she loved it. In fact, she looped Parks Director Michael Shiosaki into the email exchange, but he has been unwilling to speak to me about it. If others are interested in a multi-use community center at Ringdall then I think CoB should move on it and put together a Newport work group to advise on programs, etc. I also agree re: improving the pipeline trail and creating a connector between the Newport subarea and Newcastle. In October I appeared at the Newcastle Planning Commission and suggested this very thing. I'd like to see Bellevue & Newcastle collaborate on a lake (Newcastle Beach Park) to lake (Lake Boren Park) connector following the "string of pearls" concept (stops along the way). "Pearls"/stops= trails, parks, commercial districts, and *fingers crossed* maybe a new community center at Ringdall! In Newcastle there are benches located at different places along the pipeline trail- would love to see that in the Newport Hills trail stretch, along with garbage cans and poop bag stations. It would be great to encourage people to get out and "hit the trail" for some exercise and to promote businesses and events in the two commercial districts. There's a lot of potential for Newcastle & Newport Hills to cross-promote and fill opportunity gaps for each other.  on Linkedin Email 100% agree re: community center and the need for great programming, a senior center, etc. I brought that idea to Mayor Robinson in late 2022 and she loved it. In fact, she looped Parks Director Michael Shiosaki into the email exchange, but he has been unwilling to speak to me about it. If others are interested in a multi-use community center at Ringdall then I think CoB should move on it and put together a Newport work group to advise on programs, etc. I also agree re: improving the pipeline trail and creating a connector between the Newport subarea and Newcastle. In October I appeared at the Newcastle Planning Commission and suggested this very thing. I'd like to see Bellevue & Newcastle collaborate on a lake (Newcastle Beach Park) to lake (Lake Boren Park) connector following the "string of pearls" concept (stops along the way). "Pearls"/stops= trails, parks, commercial districts, and *fingers crossed* maybe a new community center at Ringdall! In Newcastle there are benches located at different places along the pipeline trail- would love to see that in the Newport Hills trail stretch, along with garbage cans and poop bag stations. It would be great to encourage people to get out and "hit the trail" for some exercise and to promote businesses and events in the two commercial districts. There's a lot of potential for Newcastle & Newport Hills to cross-promote and fill opportunity gaps for each other.  link