We Love Our Trees

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Thank you to everyone who has shared their love of trees in Bellevue. Please visit our home page to look for new projects related to the environment and sustainability. 

Trees for Bellevue: 2023 Tree Giveaway

The 2023 Tree Giveaway applications closed on August 31st. We are working on processing applications and sending confirmation emails to applicants.

The 2023 Tree Giveaway will take place on October 20th and 21st.

Please send any questions to trees@bellevuewa.gov.

Sign up for our trees newsletter to ensure you don't miss any updates!

Help Us Achieve Our Tree Canopy Goals

In Bellevue, trees are an important part of what makes our us a “city in a park.” To keep our city green as our city grows, we encourage preserving mature trees and planting new trees. In addition to showing our city’s character, trees provide essential, measurable services to our community including cleaner air, stormwater management, summer cooling, reductions in crime, health benefits (like better mental and cardiovascular health), and more.

As we implement natural systems goals (40% canopy citywide) from our updated Environmental Stewardship Plan, we need your help. You are the experts in your neighborhood. Is there a street that would especially benefit from street trees in your neighborhood? Or maybe a school or park that needs more trees? Or maybe there is a tree with special meaning in your community? Are you interested in planting trees?

To better plant and preserve, we need your help!

Use the tools below to share with us: 

  • Photos of trees you have planted
  • Locations to plant a tree
  • Your thoughts about the current state of Bellevue's trees

Trees for Bellevue: 2023 Tree Giveaway

The 2023 Tree Giveaway applications closed on August 31st. We are working on processing applications and sending confirmation emails to applicants.

The 2023 Tree Giveaway will take place on October 20th and 21st.

Please send any questions to trees@bellevuewa.gov.

Sign up for our trees newsletter to ensure you don't miss any updates!

Help Us Achieve Our Tree Canopy Goals

In Bellevue, trees are an important part of what makes our us a “city in a park.” To keep our city green as our city grows, we encourage preserving mature trees and planting new trees. In addition to showing our city’s character, trees provide essential, measurable services to our community including cleaner air, stormwater management, summer cooling, reductions in crime, health benefits (like better mental and cardiovascular health), and more.

As we implement natural systems goals (40% canopy citywide) from our updated Environmental Stewardship Plan, we need your help. You are the experts in your neighborhood. Is there a street that would especially benefit from street trees in your neighborhood? Or maybe a school or park that needs more trees? Or maybe there is a tree with special meaning in your community? Are you interested in planting trees?

To better plant and preserve, we need your help!

Use the tools below to share with us: 

  • Photos of trees you have planted
  • Locations to plant a tree
  • Your thoughts about the current state of Bellevue's trees
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are looking for your input on how to engage our Bellevue community about trees.

    The City of Bellevue plants hundreds of trees in parks, on city property, and along streets every year. More than 70% of land that could be planted is on residential property, so we need your help to meet our goals. In order to meet our goal of 40% tree canopy or 75,000 trees by 2050, we estimate that every household needs to plant a tree. This means we need to preserve the trees we already have too.

    We’ve heard from you that the Bellevue community cares deeply for trees and the environment but that many could use some more information about trees and how to care for them. We will use the information in this survey to guide our future programs, including education, tree planting, and volunteer opportunities.

    Thank you to everyone who has shared their love of trees in Bellevue. Please visit our home page to look for new projects related to the environment and sustainability. 

    Share Community Feedback for Bellevue Trees on Facebook Share Community Feedback for Bellevue Trees on Twitter Share Community Feedback for Bellevue Trees on Linkedin Email Community Feedback for Bellevue Trees link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    贝尔维尤 市每年都会在公园、市区建筑和街道旁种植数百颗树。 其中超过 70% 的种植土地均为住宅用地,因此我们需要您的参与,帮助我们完成目标。 为了在 2050 年前达到 40% 的林冠盖度或成功种植 75000 棵树,我们预计每家每户都需种植一棵树。 同时这也意味着大家有责任保护现存的树木。

    我们素闻 贝尔维尤  社区对于树木和环境具有深深的爱护之情,但是大家可能还需要了解更多有关树木的信息以及养护树木的方式。 我们会使用本调查中的信息规划未来的项目发展,包括教育、植树和志愿者机会。

    Thank you to everyone who has shared their love of trees in Bellevue. Please visit our home page to look for new projects related to the environment and sustainability. 

    Share 贝尔维尤树的社区反馈 on Facebook Share 贝尔维尤树的社区反馈 on Twitter Share 贝尔维尤树的社区反馈 on Linkedin Email 贝尔维尤树的社区反馈 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Nos gustaría que nos dé su opinión sobre cómo involucrar a nuestra comunidad de Bellevue en el tema de los árboles.

    Todos los años, la ciudad de Bellevue planta cientos de árboles en parques, propiedades de la ciudad y a lo largo de las calles. Más del 70 % de los terrenos que podrían ser plantados son propiedad residencial; por lo tanto, necesitamos su ayuda para cumplir nuestros objetivos. Para cumplir nuestra meta del 40 % de dosel arbóreo o 75 000 árboles para el 2050, calculamos que se necesita que cada casa plante un árbol. Además, esto significa que debemos preservar los árboles que ya tenemos.

    Hemos escuchado de usted que la comunidad de Bellevue cuida profundamente los árboles y el medioambiente, pero a muchos les vendría bien un poco más de información sobre los árboles y cómo cuidarlos. Usaremos la información de esta encuesta para guiarnos en nuestros próximos programas, incluso oportunidades educativas, de plantación y voluntariado.

    Thank you to everyone who has shared their love of trees in Bellevue. Please visit our home page to look for new projects related to the environment and sustainability. 

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