We Love Our Trees

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Thank you to everyone who has shared their love of trees in Bellevue. Please visit our home page to look for new projects related to the environment and sustainability. 

Trees for Bellevue: 2023 Tree Giveaway

The 2023 Tree Giveaway applications closed on August 31st. We are working on processing applications and sending confirmation emails to applicants.

The 2023 Tree Giveaway will take place on October 20th and 21st.

Please send any questions to trees@bellevuewa.gov.

Sign up for our trees newsletter to ensure you don't miss any updates!

Help Us Achieve Our Tree Canopy Goals

In Bellevue, trees are an important part of what makes our us a “city in a park.” To keep our city green as our city grows, we encourage preserving mature trees and planting new trees. In addition to showing our city’s character, trees provide essential, measurable services to our community including cleaner air, stormwater management, summer cooling, reductions in crime, health benefits (like better mental and cardiovascular health), and more.

As we implement natural systems goals (40% canopy citywide) from our updated Environmental Stewardship Plan, we need your help. You are the experts in your neighborhood. Is there a street that would especially benefit from street trees in your neighborhood? Or maybe a school or park that needs more trees? Or maybe there is a tree with special meaning in your community? Are you interested in planting trees?

To better plant and preserve, we need your help!

Use the tools below to share with us: 

  • Photos of trees you have planted
  • Locations to plant a tree
  • Your thoughts about the current state of Bellevue's trees

Trees for Bellevue: 2023 Tree Giveaway

The 2023 Tree Giveaway applications closed on August 31st. We are working on processing applications and sending confirmation emails to applicants.

The 2023 Tree Giveaway will take place on October 20th and 21st.

Please send any questions to trees@bellevuewa.gov.

Sign up for our trees newsletter to ensure you don't miss any updates!

Help Us Achieve Our Tree Canopy Goals

In Bellevue, trees are an important part of what makes our us a “city in a park.” To keep our city green as our city grows, we encourage preserving mature trees and planting new trees. In addition to showing our city’s character, trees provide essential, measurable services to our community including cleaner air, stormwater management, summer cooling, reductions in crime, health benefits (like better mental and cardiovascular health), and more.

As we implement natural systems goals (40% canopy citywide) from our updated Environmental Stewardship Plan, we need your help. You are the experts in your neighborhood. Is there a street that would especially benefit from street trees in your neighborhood? Or maybe a school or park that needs more trees? Or maybe there is a tree with special meaning in your community? Are you interested in planting trees?

To better plant and preserve, we need your help!

Use the tools below to share with us: 

  • Photos of trees you have planted
  • Locations to plant a tree
  • Your thoughts about the current state of Bellevue's trees
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Archived Tool

6 months

This activity has been closed. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.