Sustainable Bellevue Plan Update: Phase I Community Survey
Evidence of climate change is all around us in 2024. In Bellevue, we’ve seen worsening heatwaves and smokier skies, hotter streams, and swings between flooding and drought. Planning for climate change with efficient buildings, resilient infrastructure, accessible transportation systems, and healthy tree canopy is more important now than ever.
As we look to 2025, the Environmental Stewardship team is excited to launch the 2026-2030 Sustainable Bellevue ESI Plan Update. Guided by our new greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 95% by 2050 in the Comprehensive Plan, the City will focus on updating the Plan’s strategies and actions to meet our 2030 goals and beyond.
Building a livable future takes everyone. The voices of our community are critical to shaping the sustainable Bellevue we will become in 2030 and future decades. Whether you’re passionate about environmental issues or just starting to consider them, your perspective matters to us. This survey is just one opportunity throughout the plan update process to shape the future of our city’s environmental priorities and actions.
This survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Your responses are completely anonymous. We do not collect any personally identifiable information, and your individual responses will not be shared or published.