Helping Our Neighbors Access Food
The COVID-19 crisis has caused many individuals and families to struggle to meet basic living needs – including our elderly homebound neighbors, people who struggle with health issues or have lost their jobs, families with children who rely on schools for meals. It’s also wiping out our local food bank resources.
For everyone who has resources to share, here’s a few ways you can step in to help fill this critical need:
- Donate to Hopelink food banks
- Drop off items at the 4-hour Food Drive Event - Saturday, April 18, 12-4pm at the Kirkland Hopelink at 11011 120th Ave NE. Food donations will support other local Hopelink food banks, including Bellevue. *Specific items accepted only.
- Food item donations through Hopelink’s Amazon wish list
- Monetary donations – designate to food assistance or other
- Know a home-bound neighbor who can use help? Fill food boxes with recommended essentials. Arrange a drop off in a location that allows for proper social distancing.
- Donate to the Renewal Food Bank serving our local Bellevue residents.
- Donate to the Washington Food Fund - three Washington-based organizations working on the frontlines of food insecurity — Food Lifeline, Northwest Harvest and Second Harvest. These organizations will use these funds to distribute food to hundreds of food banks across the state from our cities to our most rural communities.
Do you know other organizations or individuals on the front lines meeting our community’s needs? Share them in the “stories” tab so we can inspire and encourage one another. We’re in this together and we will get through this together.
Consultation has concluded