Comprehensive Plan Overview

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Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at

Who are we today? Where do we want to be in the future? How will we get there?

Bellevue is growing. Making sure our city remains a livable, welcoming, and vibrant place won’t just happen. It takes a plan. Bellevue’s Comprehensive Plan is the city’s primary tool for addressing growth and maintaining a high quality of life.

The plan focuses on the next twenty years. It identifies the things that make Bellevue special that we want to future generations to enjoy. It also looks ahead to the challenges we need to address so people can thrive.

The Comprehensive Plan ensures that people who live, work, and play in Bellevue:

  • Can find a variety of housing options
  • Enjoy parks and green space
  • Have access to jobs and economic opportunity
  • Are able to get around using all kinds of transportation options
  • And so much more!

Here's where you can learn more about the Comprehensive Plan, ask a questions, and sign-up to get more involved.

Who are we today? Where do we want to be in the future? How will we get there?

Bellevue is growing. Making sure our city remains a livable, welcoming, and vibrant place won’t just happen. It takes a plan. Bellevue’s Comprehensive Plan is the city’s primary tool for addressing growth and maintaining a high quality of life.

The plan focuses on the next twenty years. It identifies the things that make Bellevue special that we want to future generations to enjoy. It also looks ahead to the challenges we need to address so people can thrive.

The Comprehensive Plan ensures that people who live, work, and play in Bellevue:

  • Can find a variety of housing options
  • Enjoy parks and green space
  • Have access to jobs and economic opportunity
  • Are able to get around using all kinds of transportation options
  • And so much more!

Here's where you can learn more about the Comprehensive Plan, ask a questions, and sign-up to get more involved.

Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at

If you have a question about the Comprehensive Plan, the planning process, or community engagement, submit your question here. Staff will review all questions and post answers here. 

  • Share is 12239 5th Street part of the plan? on Facebook Share is 12239 5th Street part of the plan? on Twitter Share is 12239 5th Street part of the plan? on Linkedin Email is 12239 5th Street part of the plan? link

    is 12239 5th Street part of the plan?

    ken asked 7 months ago

    The Comprehensive Plan guides growth throughout Bellevue over the next 20 years. Every property in Bellevue is subject to the Comprehensive Plan. It looks like that address is for condominiums that are currently zoned R-20. The zoning would not change after the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan (Map LU-1) shows a future land use for this property designated “Medium Density Residential” which is related to zones R-20 and R-30. This map, the draft Comprehensive Plan and other materials can be found on the Comprehensive Plan website:

  • Share How long after final hearings and adoption of the 2044 comprehensive plan update will land use zoning maps be updated? on Facebook Share How long after final hearings and adoption of the 2044 comprehensive plan update will land use zoning maps be updated? on Twitter Share How long after final hearings and adoption of the 2044 comprehensive plan update will land use zoning maps be updated? on Linkedin Email How long after final hearings and adoption of the 2044 comprehensive plan update will land use zoning maps be updated? link

    How long after final hearings and adoption of the 2044 comprehensive plan update will land use zoning maps be updated?

    Markdy79 asked 9 months ago

    Thanks for the question! There are many updates to the zoning maps and the land use code that will need to be made following the adoption of the Periodic Update to the Comprehensive Plan. The updates will begin at the end of the year and will be phased over time. The priority will be changes that are required under state law. Changes required due to HB 1110 (the bill that allows for multiple units per lot) and HB 1337 (the bill that allows for accessory dwelling units) are required to be implemented by June 2025.

  • Share Please provide the definition of "Community" and what populations Community includes, and how are these populations weighted or prioritized in importance? Who are the "Stakeholders" in the "Stakeholder analysis" in CE-2? on Facebook Share Please provide the definition of "Community" and what populations Community includes, and how are these populations weighted or prioritized in importance? Who are the "Stakeholders" in the "Stakeholder analysis" in CE-2? on Twitter Share Please provide the definition of "Community" and what populations Community includes, and how are these populations weighted or prioritized in importance? Who are the "Stakeholders" in the "Stakeholder analysis" in CE-2? on Linkedin Email Please provide the definition of "Community" and what populations Community includes, and how are these populations weighted or prioritized in importance? Who are the "Stakeholders" in the "Stakeholder analysis" in CE-2? link

    Please provide the definition of "Community" and what populations Community includes, and how are these populations weighted or prioritized in importance? Who are the "Stakeholders" in the "Stakeholder analysis" in CE-2?

    Bellevue Minority asked about 1 year ago

    The basic definition of community is anyone who lives, works, or plays in Bellevue. The guidance in the Community Engagement chapter is meant to cover all sorts of city projects and policy updates. Each project is unique different groups within the community may be impacted differently. A transportation project like a light rail station may impact residents who live near the proposed project, business owners, and commuters. A neighborhood area plan will impact residents in the neighborhood as well as people who might live nearby or want to live in that neighborhood in the future. 

    Stakeholders cover the range of groups and constituents who might be impacted by a project. They might include youth or seniors; the business community; human service providers, arts organizations. 

    The updated Community Engagement section provides direction for projects to conduct stakeholder analysis before a project launches so the city can be sure that all individuals, organizations, and groups who might be impacted by a project have the opportunity to help inform any decisions that are made. 

  • Share Do you have a redline version of the vision/goals for each element? Thx. on Facebook Share Do you have a redline version of the vision/goals for each element? Thx. on Twitter Share Do you have a redline version of the vision/goals for each element? Thx. on Linkedin Email Do you have a redline version of the vision/goals for each element? Thx. link

    Do you have a redline version of the vision/goals for each element? Thx.

    alt7072 asked about 1 year ago

    A strike underline version of the updated Introduction and Vision can be found in the Agenda Memo that was given to the Planning Commission. You can download it at the link below. 

    The Planning Commission reviewed and conditionally approved the vision statements in the fall of 2023. They provided some additional direction to include more specific language about small businesses in the Economic Development vision statement and mention in the overall vision that Bellevue is a place for businesses on the cutting edge of technology. 

    The Planning Commission may revisit the Introduction and Vision chapter when the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan is released later this spring and could consider additional comments then. You can submit any comments related to the Introduction and Vision chapter to

  • Share Where are draft policy changes? on Facebook Share Where are draft policy changes? on Twitter Share Where are draft policy changes? on Linkedin Email Where are draft policy changes? link

    Where are draft policy changes?

    Bellevue Minority asked about 1 year ago

    Our Draft Policy Change Document is a strike underlined version of all the policies in all the elements. This can be found in our Document Library on the main page (scroll down).

  • Share Hi Team, I have been living in Bellevue for 11 years. Taxes have been increasing to an unbearable speed, pushing me to consider moving out. You NEVER talk about WHO will pay ? What do we, the people, want and can afford ? This very important part of the puzzle is missing. Thank you for bringing answers. Sophie on Facebook Share Hi Team, I have been living in Bellevue for 11 years. Taxes have been increasing to an unbearable speed, pushing me to consider moving out. You NEVER talk about WHO will pay ? What do we, the people, want and can afford ? This very important part of the puzzle is missing. Thank you for bringing answers. Sophie on Twitter Share Hi Team, I have been living in Bellevue for 11 years. Taxes have been increasing to an unbearable speed, pushing me to consider moving out. You NEVER talk about WHO will pay ? What do we, the people, want and can afford ? This very important part of the puzzle is missing. Thank you for bringing answers. Sophie on Linkedin Email Hi Team, I have been living in Bellevue for 11 years. Taxes have been increasing to an unbearable speed, pushing me to consider moving out. You NEVER talk about WHO will pay ? What do we, the people, want and can afford ? This very important part of the puzzle is missing. Thank you for bringing answers. Sophie link

    Hi Team, I have been living in Bellevue for 11 years. Taxes have been increasing to an unbearable speed, pushing me to consider moving out. You NEVER talk about WHO will pay ? What do we, the people, want and can afford ? This very important part of the puzzle is missing. Thank you for bringing answers. Sophie

    SophieFF asked over 2 years ago

    A lot of residents have talked throughout this process about how property taxes have increased and how that has impacted their plans for the future. Property taxes are impacted by a number of things, but the main factor that has changed in the last few decades is the property value, not the tax rate itself. As property values have increased dramatically, the resulting taxes have meant that a lot more households who own their homes are struggling to pay these taxes.

    Seniors, those with disabilities and households with incomes below a certain threshold can apply to King County for a property tax exemption to make staying in their homes more affordable. You can find out more about this state-wide program on the King County website:

    Property values are impacted by demand (Bellevue is a desirable place to live, and people want to live near things like jobs and amenities) and supply (if there isn’t enough housing for everyone, the housing that is there will be more expensive). The Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update is focusing on both of these things, as housing and its affordability is a central topic for the project. The city is looking at how to increase supply at all affordability levels and for a variety of housing types so that all households have an option for each stage of their lives.

  • Share Will Public Safety be a Major Category in the Planning process going forward? How will residents and businesses be able to provide inputs about Gun Violence and Gun Sales in Bellevue? Who will be addressing these matters? Thank you. on Facebook Share Will Public Safety be a Major Category in the Planning process going forward? How will residents and businesses be able to provide inputs about Gun Violence and Gun Sales in Bellevue? Who will be addressing these matters? Thank you. on Twitter Share Will Public Safety be a Major Category in the Planning process going forward? How will residents and businesses be able to provide inputs about Gun Violence and Gun Sales in Bellevue? Who will be addressing these matters? Thank you. on Linkedin Email Will Public Safety be a Major Category in the Planning process going forward? How will residents and businesses be able to provide inputs about Gun Violence and Gun Sales in Bellevue? Who will be addressing these matters? Thank you. link

    Will Public Safety be a Major Category in the Planning process going forward? How will residents and businesses be able to provide inputs about Gun Violence and Gun Sales in Bellevue? Who will be addressing these matters? Thank you.

    Dwight Sch asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for bringing this important issue forward. Public safety in a broad sense is described within the approved scope of this Periodic Update.

    We have just wrapped up Phase 1: Visioning, which focused on engaging the community on broad issues. Community comments and engagement through this phase have emphasized the importance of public safety in a variety of ways. We are currently evaluating ways to address the many topics that were highlighted in Phase 1, either in the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update or in other complementary work. We will be discussing public safety issues with the community in Spring 2023 as part of the policy discussions that will follow the current phase focusing on land use amendments and related topics. We look forward to your continued engagement in those discussions.

  • Share Will there be data available on the role of satisfying fundamental needs vs choice impacts transportation? That is, what factors influence transportation choice (method, distance, and frequency) for fundamental goods and services? how do people use the closest grocery vs the store they like best vs specialized stores? What needs do the big box stores serve? How does online serve the needs? on Facebook Share Will there be data available on the role of satisfying fundamental needs vs choice impacts transportation? That is, what factors influence transportation choice (method, distance, and frequency) for fundamental goods and services? how do people use the closest grocery vs the store they like best vs specialized stores? What needs do the big box stores serve? How does online serve the needs? on Twitter Share Will there be data available on the role of satisfying fundamental needs vs choice impacts transportation? That is, what factors influence transportation choice (method, distance, and frequency) for fundamental goods and services? how do people use the closest grocery vs the store they like best vs specialized stores? What needs do the big box stores serve? How does online serve the needs? on Linkedin Email Will there be data available on the role of satisfying fundamental needs vs choice impacts transportation? That is, what factors influence transportation choice (method, distance, and frequency) for fundamental goods and services? how do people use the closest grocery vs the store they like best vs specialized stores? What needs do the big box stores serve? How does online serve the needs? link

    Will there be data available on the role of satisfying fundamental needs vs choice impacts transportation? That is, what factors influence transportation choice (method, distance, and frequency) for fundamental goods and services? how do people use the closest grocery vs the store they like best vs specialized stores? What needs do the big box stores serve? How does online serve the needs?

    Pamela Johnston asked almost 3 years ago

    The city is planning to analyze and share information about a variety of aspects of living and working in the city. These are good things to consider and we will look for data about this topic.

  • Share What research is planned to determine if our placement of neighborhood centers is effective, current use patterns, and how to predict future use? What are the bonds between centers? on Facebook Share What research is planned to determine if our placement of neighborhood centers is effective, current use patterns, and how to predict future use? What are the bonds between centers? on Twitter Share What research is planned to determine if our placement of neighborhood centers is effective, current use patterns, and how to predict future use? What are the bonds between centers? on Linkedin Email What research is planned to determine if our placement of neighborhood centers is effective, current use patterns, and how to predict future use? What are the bonds between centers? link

    What research is planned to determine if our placement of neighborhood centers is effective, current use patterns, and how to predict future use? What are the bonds between centers?

    Pamela Johnston asked almost 3 years ago

    The city is planning to analyze potential land use changes from a variety of perspectives including how places function in supporting community relationships, the impact on small businesses and employment, and the ability to create housing opportunities for a variety of household types. The city currently has many neighborhood centers and staff will analyze policies that can support the vibrancy of these areas and the transportation connections between the commercial nodes and the surrounding residential area. Any new neighborhood centers would be identified in places that support the existing network for centers.

  • Share With all of the emphasis on affordable housing, it seems that no one is concerned about small businesses. There are numerous cases in Bellevue, my next-door neighbor for one, where long time business locations are disappearing, for various reasons, and affordable, viable options are very scarce. What effort is the city taking to protect these people? Bellevue needs a healthy small business community. We need convenient, affordable access to barber shops, shoe repair, nail and beauty salons, small stores, etc. These businesses typically do not have “deep pockets” and will suffer. This issue needs attention and planning. seattlerust on Facebook Share With all of the emphasis on affordable housing, it seems that no one is concerned about small businesses. There are numerous cases in Bellevue, my next-door neighbor for one, where long time business locations are disappearing, for various reasons, and affordable, viable options are very scarce. What effort is the city taking to protect these people? Bellevue needs a healthy small business community. We need convenient, affordable access to barber shops, shoe repair, nail and beauty salons, small stores, etc. These businesses typically do not have “deep pockets” and will suffer. This issue needs attention and planning. seattlerust on Twitter Share With all of the emphasis on affordable housing, it seems that no one is concerned about small businesses. There are numerous cases in Bellevue, my next-door neighbor for one, where long time business locations are disappearing, for various reasons, and affordable, viable options are very scarce. What effort is the city taking to protect these people? Bellevue needs a healthy small business community. We need convenient, affordable access to barber shops, shoe repair, nail and beauty salons, small stores, etc. These businesses typically do not have “deep pockets” and will suffer. This issue needs attention and planning. seattlerust on Linkedin Email With all of the emphasis on affordable housing, it seems that no one is concerned about small businesses. There are numerous cases in Bellevue, my next-door neighbor for one, where long time business locations are disappearing, for various reasons, and affordable, viable options are very scarce. What effort is the city taking to protect these people? Bellevue needs a healthy small business community. We need convenient, affordable access to barber shops, shoe repair, nail and beauty salons, small stores, etc. These businesses typically do not have “deep pockets” and will suffer. This issue needs attention and planning. seattlerust link

    With all of the emphasis on affordable housing, it seems that no one is concerned about small businesses. There are numerous cases in Bellevue, my next-door neighbor for one, where long time business locations are disappearing, for various reasons, and affordable, viable options are very scarce. What effort is the city taking to protect these people? Bellevue needs a healthy small business community. We need convenient, affordable access to barber shops, shoe repair, nail and beauty salons, small stores, etc. These businesses typically do not have “deep pockets” and will suffer. This issue needs attention and planning. seattlerust

    Seattlerust asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment on small business space in Bellevue. Affordability of space is a major area of focus for the City both to maintain services for residents and to provide opportunity to entrepreneurs. We are taking a number of actions to help address the pain these businesses are feeling. In concert with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update, we will be undertaking a retail study to better promote development of small footprint spaces more suited to small businesses versus national brands. The Update itself will also look at providing a variety of retail space types and locations that can be supported by community needs and interests, particularly considering the potential success of small businesses in those spaces. We often hear an interest from residents in having more small businesses in their neighborhoods, but we need to set these businesses up for success by ensuring this interest means there is enough demand for their services.

    COVID-19 has also disproportionately impacted small businesses. In 2021, the City ran a commercial rental relief grant program to help businesses with back rent resulting from COVID get out from under that debt.