Phase One - The Vision
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
Thank you to the over 3000 people who shared their thoughts about the future of Bellevue. The input received will be used to update the Vision of the Comprehensive Plan and shape the next phase of engagement when we dive into the topics that people raised.
Download a copy of the Preliminary Phase 1 Engagement Report to learn more about what we did and what we heard.
And don't forget to register for our upcoming series of Community Deep Dives for a chance to dig into the issues and discuss the future of Bellevue.
Thank you to the over 3000 people who shared their thoughts about the future of Bellevue. The input received will be used to update the Vision of the Comprehensive Plan and shape the next phase of engagement when we dive into the topics that people raised.
Download a copy of the Preliminary Phase 1 Engagement Report to learn more about what we did and what we heard.
And don't forget to register for our upcoming series of Community Deep Dives for a chance to dig into the issues and discuss the future of Bellevue.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this survey. We will be sharing results soon.
The part of the Comprehensive Plan is the Vision Statement. The Vision Statement is our north star and the policies in the plan help us get there. As we update our Vision we want to hear from you. How is Bellevue doing in achieving our current Vision? What are the challenges and opportunities we need to address?
Your feedback will be used to inform the update to the Vision Statement in the Comprehensive Plan. We will also use your feedback to inform Phase Two of the planning process when we will have deep dive conversations on the challenges and opportunities.
This survey should take about 5 minutes to complete.
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
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感谢所有参与本次调查的人。 我们将很快分享结果。
Bellevue 市正更新其综合计划 (Comprehensive Plan)。 该计划用于指导 Bellevue 市今后 20 年的成长与发展,确保其继续成为充满活力、宜居和公正平等的城市。 Bellevue 正为其社区进行规划,我们想要聆听您的意见。 您的反馈将有助于我们找到该计划应解决的问题,并进一步明确城市的未来愿景。
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
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感謝所有參與本次調查的人。 我們將很快分享結果。
Bellevue 市正更新其綜合計畫 (Comprehensive Plan)。 該計畫用於指導 Bellevue 市今後 20 年的成長與發展,確保其繼續成為充滿活力、宜居且公正平等的城市。 Bellevue 正為其社區進行規劃,我們想要聆聽您的意見。 您的反饋將有助於我們找到該計畫應解決的問題,並進一步明確城市的未來願景。
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
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Gracias a todos los que participaron en esta encuesta. Próximamente estaremos compartiendo resultados.
La Ciudad de Bellevue está actualizando el Plan Integral. Este plan se utiliza para dirigir el crecimiento y el desarrollo durante los próximos 20 años, así como para garantizar que Bellevue siga siendo un lugar dinámico, habitable y equitativo. Bellevue planea para su comunidad y queremos saber de usted. Sus comentarios nos ayudarán a identificar los problemas que el plan debe abordar y refinar la visión de la ciudad para el futuro.
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
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이 설문조사에 참여해주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 곧 결과를 공유하겠습니다.
벨뷰시(City of Bellevue)가 종합 계획(Comprehensive Plan)을 업데이트합니다. 이 계획은 향후 20년간의 성장과 개발을 이끌어 가기 위한 것으로 벨뷰시가 앞으로도 계속 활기차고 살기 좋고 공평한 곳이 될 수 있도록 해 줄 것입니다. 벨뷰시는 벨뷰시의 지역사회를 위한 계획을 수립하며 이를 위해 귀하의 의견을 듣고자 합니다. 귀하의 피드백이 이 계획을 통해 해결해야 하는 문제가 무엇인지 찾아내고 미래를 향한 시의 비전을 다듬어 가는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
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Cảm ơn tất cả những người đã tham gia cuộc khảo sát này. Chúng tôi sẽ sớm chia sẻ kết quả.
Thành Phố Bellevue đang cập nhật Kế Hoạch Toàn Diện. Kế hoạch này được sử dụng để định hướng sự tăng trưởng và phát triển trong 20 năm tới và đảm bảo rằng Bellevue vẫn là một nơi sôi động, đáng sống và bình đẳng. Bellevue lập kế hoạch cho cộng đồng của thành phố và chúng tôi muốn nghe ý kiến đóng góp của quý vị. Phản hồi của quý vị sẽ giúp chúng tôi xác định các vấn đề mà kế hoạch này cần giải quyết và điều chỉnh tầm nhìn cho tương lai của thành phố.
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
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この調査にご参加いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。 結果はまもなく共有されます。
Bellevue市は、総合計画の更新を行っています。 この計画は、Bellevueが活気があり、住みやすく、公平な場所であり続けるよう、今後20年間の成長と発展を導くものとなります。 Bellevueは地域の皆様がこの計画から益を得られるよう、皆様のご意見を聞きたいと思っています。 皆様のご意見は、本計画で取り組むべき課題を特定し、市の将来に向けた構想を練り上げる助けとなるでしょう。
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
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Спасибо всем, кто принял участие в этом опросе. Скоро поделимся результатами.
Муниципалитет г. Bellevue обновляет Комплексный план. Этот план призван направлять рост и развитие в течение следующих 20 лет и служит для того, чтобы Bellevue оставался городом, полным энергии, пригодным для жизни и справедливым. Bellevue планирует жизнь своих жителей, и мы хотим узнать ваше мнение. Ваши комментарии помогут нам определить те вопросы, которые должны рассматриваться этим планом, и уточнить концепцию будущего нашего города.
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
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Signup Banner
Bellevue 2044 - Phase 1 Community Engagement Report.pdf (557 KB) (pdf)
Virtual Vision Workshop - March 22, 2022
Bellevue 2044-Setting the Vision Presentation - 2022.03.22.pdf (3.75 MB) (pdf)
Setting the Vision Whiteboard Group 1- 2022.03.22.pdf (432 KB) (pdf)
Setting the Vision Whiteboard Group 2 - 2022.03.22.pdf (529 KB) (pdf)
Setting the Vision Whiteboard Group 3 - 2022.03.22.pdf (578 KB) (pdf)
Setting the Vision Whiteboard Group 4 - 2022.03.22.pdf (355 KB) (pdf)
Setting the Vision Whiteboard Group 5 - 2022.03.22.pdf (230 KB) (pdf)
Setting the Vision Whiteboard Groups 6 & 7 - 2022.03.22.pdf (901 KB) (pdf)
The City of Bellevue assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and related statutes, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any City of Bellevue program or activity. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated may file a complaint with the ADA/Title VI Administrator. For Title VI complaint forms and advice, please contact the ADA/Title VI Administrator at 425-452-6168.
For alternate formats, interpreters, or reasonable accommodation requests please phone at least 48 hours in advance 425-452-6930 (voice) or For complaints regarding accommodations, contact City of Bellevue ADA/Title VI Administrator at 425-452-6168 (voice) or email If you are deaf or hard of hearing dial 711.