Bellevue 2044 - Innovative Mobility and Facilities
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In this section you can find information about proposed changes to the Transportation and Capital Facilities sections of the Comprehensive Plan.
Addressing climate change and planning for a more sustainable and resilient future is a key focus area for this update. Transportation and building energy account for the majority of carbon emissions in cities and policies that support use of alternate modes of transportation and renewable energy can help Bellevue reduce carbon emissions.
Changes in these elements could include:
New standards to reduce impact on the environment.
Continued support for the Environmental Stewardship Initiative.
Support for resiliency in city systems.
Strategies to adapt to climate change.
Focusing on the performance and use of all modes of transportation.
Draft Policy Moves Ready for Review
You are invited to review draft policy moves for Transportation and Capital facilities via the questionnaires below.
In this section you can find information about proposed changes to the Transportation and Capital Facilities sections of the Comprehensive Plan.
Addressing climate change and planning for a more sustainable and resilient future is a key focus area for this update. Transportation and building energy account for the majority of carbon emissions in cities and policies that support use of alternate modes of transportation and renewable energy can help Bellevue reduce carbon emissions.
Changes in these elements could include:
New standards to reduce impact on the environment.
Continued support for the Environmental Stewardship Initiative.
Support for resiliency in city systems.
Strategies to adapt to climate change.
Focusing on the performance and use of all modes of transportation.
Draft Policy Moves Ready for Review
You are invited to review draft policy moves for Transportation and Capital facilities via the questionnaires below.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We will be preparing a summary report on the comments that we will share out. If you have further comments on the future of transportation in Bellevue, please leave a comment in our comment section.
You're invited to share feedback on draft policy moves that are being considered for the update the city's Comprehensive Plan. This questionnaire is available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Изменения в транспортной политике- Мы приглашаем Вас поделиться отзывами о проектах изменений политики развития, которые рассматриваются в рамках обновления Комплексного плана города. Эту анкету-опросник можно заполнять на английском, традиционном китайском, упрощенном китайском, японском, корейском, русском, испанском и вьетнамском языках.
Propuestas de la política de transporte- Lo invitamos a compartir su opinión sobre los borradores de las propuestas de la política que se están considerando como parte de la actualización del plan integral de la ciudad. Este cuestionario está disponible en inglés, chino, tradicional, chino simplificado, japonés, coreano, ruso, español, y vietnamita.
Các Động Thái ChínhSách Giao Thông -Chúng tôi mời quý vị chia sẻ phản hồi về các động thái chính sách dự thảo đang được xem là một phần của bản cập nhật Quy Hoạch Toàn Diện của thành phố. Bảng câu hỏi này được cung cấp bằng tiếng Anh, tiếng Hoa phồn thể, tiếng Hoa giản thể, tiếng Nhật, tiếng Hàn, tiếng Nga, tiếng Tây Ban Nha, và tiếng Việt.
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Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We will be preparing a summary report on the comments that we will share out. If you have further comments on the future of capital facilities in Bellevue, please leave a comment in our comment section.
You're invited to share feedback on draft policy moves that are being considered for the update the city's Comprehensive Plan. This questionnaire is available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Изменения в транспортной политике- Мы приглашаем Вас поделиться отзывами о проектах изменений политики развития, которые рассматриваются в рамках обновления Комплексного плана города. Эту анкету-опросник можно заполнять на английском, традиционном китайском, упрощенном китайском, японском, корейском, русском, испанском и вьетнамском языках.
Propuestas de la política de transporte- Lo invitamos a compartir su opinión sobre los borradores de las propuestas de la política que se están considerando como parte de la actualización del plan integral de la ciudad. Este cuestionario está disponible en inglés, chino, tradicional, chino simplificado, japonés, coreano, ruso, español, y vietnamita.
Các Động Thái ChínhSách Giao Thông -Chúng tôi mời quý vị chia sẻ phản hồi về các động thái chính sách dự thảo đang được xem là một phần của bản cập nhật Quy Hoạch Toàn Diện của thành phố. Bảng câu hỏi này được cung cấp bằng tiếng Anh, tiếng Hoa phồn thể, tiếng Hoa giản thể, tiếng Nhật, tiếng Hàn, tiếng Nga, tiếng Tây Ban Nha, và tiếng Việt.
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For alternate formats, interpreters, or reasonable accommodation requests please phone at least 48 hours in advance 425-452-2064 (voice) or email For complaints regarding accommodations, contact City of Bellevue ADA/Title VI Administrator at 425-452-6168 (voice) or email If you are deaf or hard of hearing dial 711.
The City of Bellevue assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and related statutes, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any City of Bellevue program or activity. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated may file a complaint with the ADA/Title VI Administrator. For Title VI complaint forms and advice, please contact the ADA/Title VI Administrator at 425-452-6168.