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affordable housing is possible

We have recently moved from a downtown apartment near the park to Silver Glen off of BelRed road - a co-operative community for those over 55 - independent living.

Tha apartment has heated up tremendously the last two years because of the many buildings to the east that face west and reflect afternoon heat on those to the west. It is becoming intolerable. The city planners have allowed so many building that the city dwellers are having to endure warmer temperatures than more open space would provide.

The co-op is a very interesting alternative - prices are held by a limited increase in value allowed each year, making the units very affordable - literally half the price of other comparable residential units. Members participate through committees in the management of the units, although we also have a full time manager and maintenance staff. The co-op owns and maintains all appliances and provides all needed maintenance. It is a very affordable and supportive option for seniors. Yet is it is almost the only one in our state. the concept has taken off in the midwest - Minnesota has more than 85 senior co-ops with a similar structure to ours. Other midwest states are following suit, and many are currently in the works in their areas. The local governments have worked to make these developments attractive to developers. I think it would be an excellent idea for city planners to look into this concept and to think strongly about establishing such co-ops in Bellevue and surrounding areas.

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