Bellevue 2044 - Access & Mobility
Thank you to the over 7000 individuals who participated in the update to the Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan was adopted by City Council in October of 2024. You can read the plan and past documents at
One of the key and longstanding principles of planning in Bellevue and the region is to focus housing and job growth in places that have good access to a variety of transportation options. This helps make it easier to manage traffic, shorten commute times, reduce pollution and give people more time to spend with their families and communities.
Many community members have expressed a strong desire to enhance the ability to access stores, cafes, services, parks, and other amenities close to home. People are interested in improving the city's neighborhood centers so people can walk or bike more to meet their daily needs and reduce their overall number of car trips.
People have also expressed concern about how growth will impact traffic and are interested in exploring a wide variety of approaches to managing traffic and giving people options for getting around the city and the region.
Thinking about the intersection of transportation and land use is an important part of the planning process. The Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update gives the city the opportunity to lay a foundation for future improvements that will help people enjoy and activate the spaces around them.
On Thursday, April 27 the city released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update. Community members and organizations with an interest in the future growth of Bellevue can now comment on the DEIS until 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 12. To read the DEIS and find out how to submit comments, please visit the city's Environmental Review webpage