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The Transportation Facilities Plan identifies priority improvement projects for a 12-year horizon.

SURVEY: How do you use Bellevue's transportation system?

0% answered


Do you live or work in Bellevue?

* required

If you LIVE in Bellevue, please select your zip code


If you WORK in Bellevue, please select where you primarily work, including if you primarily work from home.

* required
How often do you WALK to get around Bellevue?
How often do you BIKE to get around Bellevue?
How often do you take TRANSIT (e.g. bus) to get around Bellevue?
How often do you DRIVE your personal vehicle to get around Bellevue?
How often do you VANPOOL to get around Bellevue?
How often do you use your personal WHEELCHAIR to get around Bellevue?
How often do you RIDE FOR HIRE (e.g. taxi, Uber, Lyft) to get around Bellevue?
Thank you for your submittal. Please be sure to give your comments on proposed projects on the Interactive TFP Project Map (LINK)