Meydenbauer Bay Park Phase 2 Survey

We want to hear from you! 

Bellevue’s Meydenbauer Bay Park is expanding the existing park east toward Downtown and Old Bellevue.  We are excited to hear your priorities and what you are most excited and inspired by to help shape the future design, phasing, and investment in the park.  

The 2010 Meydenbauer Bay Park and Land Use Plan, City planning priorities since 2010, and your priorities voiced in fall 2023 create the guiding framework for the project. Your feedback is one of many variables that will inform next steps for what will be built and the sequencing of construction. A schedule for the full implementation of park design and construction has not yet been set and will likely take place in phases over several years. 

More information can be found in the recorded presentation.

Share your priorities and thoughts in the following survey!

0% answered

Kite Site

The Kite Site, given this name because of it’s shape, is an area at the west end of Old Bellevue, bordered by Lake Washington Blvd NE, 100th Ave SE, Bellevue Place, and the bay. 

Proposed Kite Site improvements include:

  • An iconic pavilion at Main Street and 100th Ave SE
  • Views of Meydenbauer Bay and the Cascades
  • A plaza and covered gathering space, potentially partially enclosed for park enjoyment in inclement weather
  • Integrated water elements such as art, simple fountains, small streams, or other elements
  • An accessible walkway that connects to the street, parking levels, and the shore
  • Planting and trees integrated into the pedestrian experience
  • Parking spaces that will be mostly screened from pedestrian view
  • Places to sit, rest, and gather
  • New parking for 60 to 90 vehicles
  • Traffic calming and pedestrian improvements to 100th Ave SE and Lake Washington Blvd NE

Please select your top five priorities that you would like to see included at the Kite Site:

* required
Unprogrammed enclosed gathering space to enjoy the park during the hot, rainy, or smoky weather
A "welcome station" to the park with maps of the area and a ranger providing information about programs and amenities
A rentable space for private gatherings
Public space for small seasonal and multi-cultural gatherings
Public restrooms
Food and beverage vendor